Mussenstraat 15
1223 RB Hilversum
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The Netherlands
Mussenstraat 15,
1223 RB Hilversum
+31 35 538 56 56
Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen
+32 329 171 56
KvK 32082603
BTW NL809771287B01
IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651
Picture this: you’re building a massive, hypermodern new terminal in the Rotterdam Harbor. How can you get a few hundred employees trained so they’ll hit the ground running when the new terminal opens? The search for a full training plan for APM Terminals had begun.
Please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible!
KvK 32082603
BTW NL809771287B01
IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651
APM Terminals launched an online academy for 300 employees in 45 different positions
When you operate one of the world’s most comprehensive port networks, you can imagine how much responsibility this entails in terms of safety. No wonder you put everything to work to train all your employees before a new terminal opens.
Working in a new, fully automated terminal takes a lot out of employees. Not just from terminal assistants or operators, but also process controllers and managers. That’s why they selected a blended training program by position, using a mix of e-learning, classical training from content experts, on-the-job exercises, and a game that allows you to try out various kinds of roles.
The learning solution for APM Terminals is customization. By putting ourselves in the shoes of each employee, we develop a learning plan that shows exactly what they must learn and how much time it will take them. This way, every employee will understand their role in the bigger picture, which allows them to practice and efficiently work together with their co-workers.
We developed the training while the terminal was being built. A hypermodern structure, where people are only present to do the things that machines can’t do. This digital transformation requires a different mindset than before from employees.
How do you motivate a crane operator who usually sits up high in his crane and feels the wind all around him? The man who will soon operate the crane from inside a central room in the terminal, and will only have to act when that crane isn’t working correctly?
One way to make this happen is by developing a pre-boarding with 3D-animations. Not only will it help him gain the knowledge he needs before he gets started, it’ll also motivate him to get started on a new challenge.
Your chance to grow what makes your company great while keeping your employees engaged.
Mussenstraat 15
1223 RB Hilversum
Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen