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Mussenstraat 15,
1223 RB Hilversum
+31 35 538 56 56


Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen
+32 329 171 56


KvK 32082603
BTW NL809771287B01

IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651

REIN World of Care Academy


Elderly care organizations QuaRijn and Careyn have taken the initiative to develop an organization-transcending growth platform. Their goal is to create a learning network to which 35 geriatric care organizations with a total of approx 14,000 care workers in the Utrecht region will be affiliated by 2022. These 35 organizations provide care to approximately 15,000 elderly people.

The online world of REIN

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The Netherlands

Mussenstraat 15,
1223 RB Hilversum
+31 35 538 56 56



KvK 32082603
BTW NL809771287B01

IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651

REIN World of Care Academy

A flexible, blended learning solution that empowers the broad group of care providers

The challenge

An ageing population, staff shortages, austerity, legislation, technological developments. Care for the elderly has changed radically in recent years and is still developing all the time. Due to these developments, the quality of care for the elderly is under increasing pressure. The strong focus on efficiency means that there is little time left for the human side of care or for monitoring and improving the quality of care.

Together with QuaRijn and Careyn we have developed REIN World of Care Academy: a flexible, blended learning solution that empowers the broad group of care providers, so that they can continue developing and improving together with their close colleagues, based on their shared passion and greater personal attention for their clients. 
REIN world of care Academy
REIN Onboarding
Introduction REIN VR
REIN Teamchallenge

Rein and his world

Care providers are doers and have a shared passion for the senior citizens they are caring for. What they want to do most of all is contribute to the health, welfare and well-being of their clients. Their passion is not always for learning, especially if it has to be done from a book or on a computer. And they also don’t have enough time for it.

That's why we developed the character of Rein and his world, the REIN World of Care Academy. It’s a way of learning that suits the target group because it makes them curious and motivates them. Rein shows how bringing back personal attention and learning and improving brightens up the life not just of the client but also that of the care provider.

Grow like a chameleon

REIN World of Care Academy is a blended programme that focuses on the themes of personal development, team development and people-oriented care.

The programme reminds care providers of the importance of continuing to learn and helps them develop their skills and enhance their knowledge. It does this with a wide variety of learning methods: the care providers learn offline and online, individually and in groups, independently or supervised.

Many growing options

This carefully thought-out combination of online and offline growing methods ensures that we can motivate and activate the target group in an accessible way during their work. While at the same time utilising all the advantages of the online tools, such as scalability, a wide range of growing options and the ability to adapt quickly.

REIN Onboarding

Rein and his world

Care providers are doers and have a shared passion for the senior citizens they are caring for. What they want to do most of all is contribute to the health, welfare and well-being of their clients. Their passion is not always for learning, especially if it has to be done from a book or on a computer. And they also don’t have enough time for it.

That's why we developed the character of Rein and his world, the REIN World of Care Academy. It’s a way of learning that suits the target group because it makes them curious and motivates them. Rein shows how bringing back personal attention and learning and improving brightens up the life not just of the client but also that of the care provider.

Introduction REIN VR

Grow like a chameleon

REIN World of Care Academy is a blended programme that focuses on the themes of personal development, team development and people-oriented care.

The programme reminds care providers of the importance of continuing to learn and helps them develop their skills and enhance their knowledge. It does this with a wide variety of learning methods: the care providers learn offline and online, individually and in groups, independently or supervised.

REIN Teamchallenge

Many growing options

This carefully thought-out combination of online and offline growing methods ensures that we can motivate and activate the target group in an accessible way during their work. While at the same time utilising all the advantages of the online tools, such as scalability, a wide range of growing options and the ability to adapt quickly.

A toolkit with offline games and activities


"I never imagined that we senior citizens would have so much fun with a balloon. Now I wouldn't miss it for anything." 


Ms van Maarseveen


Winner of 2 Learning Technologies Awards 2020

GOLD: Excellence in the design of learning content, public & non-profit sector

Jury comments: "A brilliant use of mixed modality and external tools to engage the learner, using familiar assets that everyone knows and can relate to. The use of an avatar who felt like a real character was especially engaging and entertaining. A wonderful way to learn and a well-deserved winner."

REIN in his world
SILVER: Best use of blended learning, public & non-profit sector 

Jury comments: "This project was the result of exceptional management of a large number of stakeholders to create a solution that worked well for all of the intended audience. The character around which the learning revolved was well thought out and relatable to the learners. The project utilized a wide variety of media and demonstrated good results, both qualitative and quantitative."

Care workers about their experiences with REIN

The results

REIN adds real value to geriatric care organizations

The results so far have been excellent! In September 2019, we launched the REIN World of Care Academy pilot at QuaRijn and Careyn and from February 2020 the phased roll-out to the other geriatric care organizations in the Utrecht region.

By June 2020, 33 percent of the healthcare employees of the affiliated organizations were active on the online platform. And 16 of the 35 targeted healthcare organizations were already connected. This means that we’re well ahead of our 2022 target.

REIN started as a two-year project. Given all the positive reactions about the added value of REIN, we and all the affiliated geriatric care organizations are looking into how we’ll carry on with the REIN World of Care Academy after 2022. 

percent of the employees
are working with REIN

of 35 organizations
are already connected

year project
with grow potential
Start learning
Vector (8)
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