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1223 RB Hilversum
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1223 RB Hilversum
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2000 Antwerpen
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BTW NL809771287B01
IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651
What’s more critical to unlock employee potential than designing effective learning content? Nothing, right? So, let's walk through the 4 steps of designing an online growth path together!
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KvK 32082603
BTW NL809771287B01
IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651
How do you translate learning goals into online learning journeys?
First, the learning journeys should be seen as growth paths that helps learners to reach new heights of knowledge and skill. Designing transformative growth paths begins with an analysis phase that involves asking three fundamental questions:
Then formulate concrete learning objectives, like "after following this learning bite, the learner will be able to do X in situation Y". Once you've also grouped and numbered your clear learning objectives by topic, it's party time! The design phase can begin.
Today, we'll walk you through the 4 steps of designing an online learning intervention that will make your learners go, "Wow, this is awesome!" So, buckle up and let's get started.
First, let me explain what we mean by an outline before we all get creative. An outline is a blueprint that serves as an overview of the growth path, illustrating which topic participants will encounter when and what kind of activity it is. You can use tools like Miro and Mural, with virtual post-its, mind maps or concept maps. But really, you just want to work this out in the growth platform so your colleagues or clients can easily view it as well.
Will you work with surveys, notifications, badges or certificates? Or will certain activities be blocked until the activities for it are successfully completed? Then include this in the outline. Even better, reflect in the outline how offline and online interventions alternate.
To give you an example of an outline:
A good outline helps you oversee, scope, plan and control the project. Get your colleagues or clients to agree on this outline so there is an explicit agreement. This way, your work is focused and efficient.
With so many options available, why stick to just one? Mix it up and make it exciting! Multiple-choice questions, open-ended questions, range sliders, interactive videos, and quizzes are just a few examples. But keep in mind, don't make it too simple! Stimulate your learners' curiosity by asking a question and then revealing the answer.
For example, the learner should know how long a dentist should keep a patient's file. Do you choose to have the employee read the answer directly or do you ask the question, "How long do you think a patient record should be kept?” This way you really spark curiosity and engage your learners!
But keep in mind that reading on a screen differs from reading on paper. On a screen, it is easy to get distracted due to all kinds of navigation items, images, colors and hyperlinks. Therefore, simplify and clarify the text.
You can use the following tips to make your text more readable.
8 tips for more readable texts:
Now, let's talk about images. Here are 5 tips to make them pop:
Feedback time! But first, establish some ground rules. During the review, it's essential to agree in advance on how many rounds of feedback there will be, who reviews what and when the input should be delivered or processed. The reviewer indicates what isn't right, and this is followed by clear instructions on what it should be. Otherwise, you keep ping-ponging back and forth.
Also, ensure that the person who has to process the feedback knows precisely where the content needs to be adjusted. Otherwise, it becomes a pagan search. If several people are reviewing, one person should make sure that the feedback is deduplicated AND that the input from different people does not contradict each other.
Start with a kickass outline that defines the scope and helps maintain overview and control of the project. Then, dive into various work formats, spruce up your text, and make those images shine. Get experts to review your content but provide clear instructions to avoid that ping-pong madness.
And hey, we're here to guide you through it all. We like to take our customers through this process so they can lean on our experience and expertise but also gradually become more and more capable of creating content independently. How does that work exactly? Contact us for a demo or just an informal talk.
Your chance to grow what makes your company great while keeping your employees engaged.
Mussenstraat 15
1223 RB Hilversum
Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen