The Netherlands
Mussenstraat 15
1223 RB Hilversum
Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen
We are happy to help you with your questions
The Netherlands
Mussenstraat 15,
1223 RB Hilversum
+31 35 538 56 56
Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen
+32 329 171 56
KvK 32082603
BTW NL809771287B01
IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651
Aggressive customer behaviour can be challenging, but your employees don’t have to feel powerless. With the right knowledge and skills, they can defuse situations without stress. Teach your people how to recognise, manage and de-escalate aggression. This boosts their confidence and ensures a safe, professional work environment.
Help your employees stay professional, reduce tension and de-escalate situations. This creates a safe and respectful workplace for everyone.
The key to handling aggressive customers? De-escalation. Teach your employees to recognise early signs of frustration. By using calming language and body language, they can defuse tension and restore respectful communication.
Aggression isn’t just a customer issue, workplace conflicts can also arise. Teach your team how to mediate heated discussions by actively listening and communicating assertively. This helps resolve conflicts and improves the overall work atmosphere.
Equip your employees with the right tools and guidelines to handle aggressive situations at work. Clear protocols and targeted training help them respond effectively. After all, isn’t it rewarding to turn a frustrated customer or colleague into a happy one?
Entry | Recognise and de-escalate aggressive behavior
Give your employees the essential skills to identify aggressive behaviour early and de-escalate it effectively. They’ll learn to pick up on warning signs and ensure their own safety.
Boost | Handle aggression with confidence
Teach your employees how to handle aggressive behaviour in various situations. They’ll develop practical skills to resolve conflicts, set boundaries and communicate clearly. Even under pressure!
Advanced | Create a safe workplace culture
Equip your leaders with advanced strategies to handle aggressive behaviour effectively. This includes training in aggression management, incident response policies and ongoing support for employees who encounter challenging situations.
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KvK 32082603
BTW NL809771287B01
IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651
Meet Elmer and send a message to or schedule an appointment directly using the button below.
The Netherlands
Mussenstraat 15
1223 RB Hilversum
Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen