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The Netherlands

Mussenstraat 15,
1223 RB Hilversum
+31 35 538 56 56


Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen
+32 329 171 56


KvK 32082603
BTW NL809771287B01

IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651

The retail sales training: from beginner to top seller

The retail sales training: from beginner to top seller

Why turn your sales employees into superstars? Because they effortlessly guide potential customers through the sales process. Hitting targets? Easy. Exceeding them? That’s the new standard!

Because you can't make a second first impression

That first impression determines whether customers buy and return. Make sure your employees hit the right note from the start with strong sales skills. That’s how they turn shoppers into loyal customers and make selling fun!

Sales starts with the first impression

First impressions are everything. Teach your employees how to warmly welcome customers and ask the right questions. This way, they effortlessly match customers with the perfect products, improve the shopping experience and boost sales.

Always have a solution

Out of stock in-store but available online? No problem! Give your employees the skills to offer customers an immediate alternative. That way, they still close the sale and the customer will return to your brand next time.

Turn your people into sales superstars

Equip your employees with the right sales skills and transform them into true superstars. They’ll help customers with confidence and drive more sales. Encourage them to go the extra mile and exceed customer expectations!

Get started right away with Basics of Sales

Or go the extra mile

Sales Entry

Entry | The foundation of sales success

Give your employees a strong foundation in sales. They’ll understand the power of a first impression, learn to assess customer needs, have effective conversations, and smoothly guide customers through the sales process.

Boost Sales

Boost | Refine your sales skills

Take your team to the next level with advanced sales techniques. Think handling objections, closing deals and smart upselling & cross-selling. Fully tailored to your industry and customers.

In cooperation with our partner

 Relevance Learning
Advanced Sales

Advanced | Master sales & team impact

Help your employees build a strong sales mindset and inspire others. Encourage a proactive sales culture that boosts both individual performance and overall team success.

In cooperation with our partner
Relevance Learning


Our partner Relevance

Personalised and adaptive learning
Personalised and adaptive learning

With Relevance, learning is personal, adaptive, and social. The benefit?

Your entire organisation will be aligned in no time and ready to move forward.

Want to know more about Relevance?
Your needs come first
Your needs come first

Your needs and goals take centre stage. The result?

Long-term, engaged partnerships with tailor-made programmes, developed in co-creation.

Want to know more about Relevance?
Learn by doing
Learn by doing

Learning by doing challenges people to experiment with new behaviour. Growth comes from experience and direct feedback.

When your employees grow, your organisation grows with them.

Want to know more about Relevance?

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over Vitaliteit

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Mussenstraat 15,
1223 RB Hilversum
The Netherlands

+31 35 538 56 56


KvK 32082603
BTW NL809771287B01

IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651

Schedule an appointment with Lisa
Tinqwise Heart
Find out

What Basics of Sales can do for your team

Elmer van Hooijdonk

Meet Elmer and send a message to elmer.vanhooijdonk@tinqwise.com or schedule an appointment directly using the button below.


Empower your people
Amaze your customers

Component 1


The Netherlands
Mussenstraat 15
1223 RB Hilversum

Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen


+31 35 538 56 56

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