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The Netherlands

Mussenstraat 15,
1223 RB Hilversum
+31 35 538 56 56


Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen
+32 329 171 56


KvK 32082603
BTW NL809771287B01

IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651

Giving and receiving feedback: The fuel for growth and teamwork

Giving and receiving feedback: The fuel for growth and teamwork

Feedback isn’t just a formality, it’s the fuel for growth. Make giving and receiving feedback a natural part of your team culture and watch productivity and quality improve significantly. This is how you build a strong, connected team that challenges each other, stays sharp and always strives for the best results.

Good feedback helps you grow and get better

Feedback helps teams collaborate more effectively, boost performance and encourage an open, learning-oriented work culture. Yet in many organisations, feedback still feels uncomfortable or like a box-ticking exercise. A missed opportunity! Because when giving and receiving feedback becomes second nature, everyone feels heard, teams work better together and your entire organisation thrives.

Growing together with feedback

Make feedback a natural part of daily collaboration. Not to dwell on what went wrong, but to create opportunities for growth. With a positive approach, also known as ‘feedforward,’ you help people move forward while improving teamwork, work quality, and the overall work atmosphere.

Building a strong culture

When feedback flows naturally, it builds a strong, vibrant culture. In a trusted environment, feedback becomes easy and impactful. This exchange drives team growth, deepens relationships, and boosts collaboration—paving the way for long-term success.

Confident in difficult conversations

Discover a simple, effective way to handle feedback in challenging situations. You'll master managing emotions, steering conversations, and staying professional. This builds your confidence, transforming tough talks into positive, solution-driven conversations for everyone.

get started with feedback immediately

Or go the extra mile


Entry | The foundation of a feedback culture

Build the foundation for a strong feedback culture. In this ready-to-use online programme, your employees will learn to give and receive feedback in a positive and accessible way. This helps everyone grow while strengthening collaboration.


Boost | Make feedback second nature

In this training, giving and receiving feedback becomes second nature. It evolves into Feedforward: a springboard for growth that boosts personal development and energises the workplace.

In cooperation with our partner

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Advanced | Feedback as a mindset

Bring a positive, vibrant company culture to life. Participants unlock self-awareness and master meaningful conversations and collaboration. They also embrace a growth mindset, proving that improvement is always within reach.

In cooperation with our partner

 JobTraining logo_black



Our partner JobTraining

New habits
New habits

Training agency JobTraining helps people perform better through personal development.


By boosting self-awareness and introducing new habits.

So people become better and happier in their work, and organisations can soar.

Want to know more about JobTraining?

We bring ownership. All to stimulate self-confidence, initiative and engagement.

This helps you build strong relationships, teams and companies.

Because when you are in control, you can adapt to setbacks and grow faster.


Want to know more about JobTraining?
Perform better
Perform better

As an organisation, you want to hit your goals fast and get ahead.

That’s why JobTraining offers training that helps people improve performance rapidly.

The approach is business-focused, practical and all about results.

Want to know more about JobTraining?

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Mussenstraat 15,
1223 RB Hilversum
The Netherlands

+31 35 538 56 56


KvK 32082603
BTW NL809771287B01

IBAN NL26 INGB 0006679651

Schedule an appointment with Elmer
Tinqwise Heart

What feedback can do for your team

Elmer van Hooijdonk

Meet Elmer and send a message to elmer.vanhooijdonk@tinqwise.com or schedule an appointment directly using the button below.


Empower your people
Amaze your customers

Component 1


The Netherlands
Mussenstraat 15
1223 RB Hilversum

Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen


+31 35 538 56 56

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